Fuji is a cross between 2 classic American apples - Red Delicious and Virginia Ralls Janet. Fuji apples contain between 15% to 18% sugar levels, making them one of the sweetest varieties available. This very round, medium to large apple is usually green or yellow-green, with red highlights or a pink flush. It may have a speckled or striped pattern on the skin. It is also crisp and juicy, with dull white flesh which snaps cleanly. The flavor is predominantly sweet, very refreshing especially if slightly chilled. Fuji is a late-season apple, often harvested in late September and October. They are excellent for eating fresh and salads, good for pies and sauce. Fuji apples can last between 5-months to 6-months when kept refrigerated. Fuji apples require 200 to 400 chill hours and require a pollinator such as Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith and Jonathan. At maturity, the Fuji reaches a height and width of 15 ft. to 20 ft.
Produces medium to large apples
Fruit matures between late September and October
Mature size of 15 ft. to 20 ft. tall x 15 ft. to 20 ft. W
Requires 200 to 400 chill hours
Shipped in a 4 in. x 4 in. x 10 in. pot, minimum tree height of 12 in.
How to Grow an Apple Tree."