ClipStone uses a mechanical fastener on each individual stone, this creates an intelligent water management system, eliminating drainage issues found in traditional dry stack masonry and panel stone alternatives
ClipStone is individual stones, not the fake looking panels, allowing you to mix and match your colors and prostack or ledgestone styles
You can transition from your stone to your siding without changing your crew, your tools, or your schedule, adding stone veneer in a fraction of the time taken with traditional mortared stone in any season
No painting, sealing, or on-going cleaning necessary clip stone is IAMPO rated, Intertek fire rated, and negative wind pressure tested
Each piece is 4 in. T x 2.5 in. D and varies from 8 in. to 16 in. L 1 box of 5 sq. ft. contains approximately 15-pieces of stone we recommend purchasing 10 % over what the project requires to allow for more flexibility in your design
Our prostack tan flats have a stacked look with neutral cream, tan, and beige colors matching prostack tan corners are available, and cream accessories look great with this style and color