As the most popular green apple in the United States, Granny Smith is a vigorous tree that's sure to outgrow other apples within the first years of planting. Typically bears fruit sooner than other apples due to this fast growth. Extremely cold hardy, thriving in places where most apple trees couldn't survive. The firm, juicy fruit is a bright green color and due to its cold tolerance, the tree has been known to produce apples well into December. Whether fresh eating or cooking, the tart flavor ranks it among the most popular apple trees. Perfect for pies, caramel apples, cider making, or low-calorie nutritious snacking. This medium to large size apple has a firm and crisp texture that has made it an apple lover’s favorite. Granny Smith apples are one of the best-storing apples and can be kept up to six months given the proper storage. The Granny Smith apples ripen in late October. The trees are best suited for loamy, well-drained soils. This heat-tolerant apple tree originated circa 1868 in Australia. The granny smith apple tree thrives in full sun locations. Pollinator required: Choose another apple variety. See Recommended Pollinators below.
No apple is more widely used for cooking and baking than Granny Smith
Self-pollinating and one of the best pollinators for other apple cultivars
Fruit can stay on tree into December
Cold hardy and widely adaptable
Vigorous grower and early producer