An insect infestation that has targeted your houseplants can be a sticky situation. Whiteflies, black-flies and midges are just a few of the many insects that can inflict plenty of damage on your plants in a short period of time. Safer Brand Houseplant Sticky Stakes can provide an effective, organic alternative to synthetic pesticides. Safer Brand Houseplant Sticky Stakes are ideal for use indoors or outdoors in potted plants. These sticky stakes for houseplants are an economical and convenient solution to the annoyances of whiteflies, fungus gnats, black-flies, thrips, fruit flies, midges and other flying insects. These houseplant sticky stakes contain no pesticides and are fully disposable. The yellow color of the trap as well as the glue will attract the insects. Shake the plant gently and insects hidden on the leaves will fly to the traps.
1 pack of 7 traps, 7 sticks
Ideal for potted plants both indoors and outdoors
Attracts and traps a variety of flying insects including white flies, fungus gnats, black-flies, thrips, fruit flies, midges and other flying insects
The poison-free and pesticide-free formula draws pest insects like a magnet
Allows easy disposal when full, simply toss it in the trash and replace it
A natural pest control - contains no pesticides
This product is applicable for the following pest types: Whiteflies, Aphids, Thrips, Fruit Flies, Leaf Miners and Tip Moths, Fungus Gnats